Western Apparels


Returns Policy


Western Apparels (Pty) Limited is committed to providing high-quality sewing machines, accessories and services to ensure customer satisfaction with your purchase. We understand that circumstances may arise in which you need to return a product. Please read our return policy below to understand the conditions and procedures for returning a sewing machine.

1. Eligibility for Returns:

You may be eligible for a return if you meet the following criteria:
1) The item must be purchased from Western Apparels (Pty) Limited.
2) The original invoice must be produced by the customer.
3) The product is returned within 10 days from the date of purchase.
4) The sewing machine is in its original, unopened, and unused condition.
5) All original accessories, manuals, and packaging are included.
6) The product is free from any signs of damage, wear, or alterations.
7) The product is returned for a valid reason.
8) We reserve the right to accept or reject the reason provided by the customer for returning his or her purchase and request a refund.

2. Return Process:

To initiate a return, follow these steps:
1. Contact our customer support team at sales@western.co.bw or +267 3902474 to request a return.

2. Please provide your invoice or order number, the reason for the return, and any relevant details.

3. Our customer support team will provide you with instructions on how to return the product. You are responsible for the return shipping costs.

4. Once we receive the returned sewing machine and verify that it meets the eligibility criteria, we will process your refund (Please refer to our Refund Policy)